söndag 18 februari 2018

Mass Grave in England

Mass Grave in England May Hold a ‘Lost’ Viking Army

Photograph of the juvenile grave. (Credit: Martin Biddle/University of Bristol)

In the mid-ninth century, a Viking military force known as the Great Heathen Army invaded England. It marked the transition among Vikings from raiding cities to conquering them, and is considered an important historical event in the creation of England. Yet for decades, no one could find any archaeological evidence to back this up.
Now, a group of researchers at the University of Bristol in England think they might have found that evidence—i.e., the soldiers’ bones.
However, initial carbon dating placed the skeletons in earlier centuries, leading researchers to conclude that they couldn’t be Viking soldiers. It was only after adjusting for Vikings’ seafood diet that researchers were able to correctly carbon date them to the 9th century.

1 kommentar:

  1. Oj, en vikingablogg, kul. Den kommer jag att följa.

    Mvh Skogåsbon
